Stage Zoo (2017 – 2019)
The Zoo, as created space, seems to be constructed around the animals and is in its form absolutely unique. It is a designed place that represents nature, but does not seem to take this seriously in any way. In my view, these structures almost appear in the form of a parody. This raises the question for me, whom this nature is supposed to be presented, the animals or the visitors?
Since 2017 I visit some zoos within the Ruhr region. I am still using 35mm cameras to stay mobile, not to stress fellow travelers unnecessarily and to attract less attention. A small part of my zoo photographs also appeared in my book Mute, but I would like to make an independent project out of these pictures. In recent years, this project has stopped because zoos often stayed closed due to the Corona pandemic. I like to give the visitors in my pictures a little more weight in the future. This will turn the zoo into a stage where humans and animals meet.