Virtual Exhibition
The Virtual Exhibition makes it possible to visit a gallery from the comfort of your own home and behaves like a real gallery, which is curated by me.
The first photographers to be exhibited are Flo Slomka, Robert Krenciszek, Christian Thiele, Fabian Reiche and Kersten Glaser. Besides other photographers and also galleries, the Virtual Exhibition will be extended by new functions. I am a photographer and not a developer. So I want to use this project to develop new skills.
This project is not updated regularly because I am working on it all by myself and I am taking care of many other projects as well.

The Virtual Exhibition is an interdisciplinary project that acts as a link between photography, art and video games.

Books within the Virtual Exhibition are displayed on a platform and represent actual printed books. When visitors get close to a book, it glows to indicate a possible interaction. By pressing one of the interaction buttons, the book opens in full screen and can be browsed using the mouse or keyboard.

With the presentation of my own exhibits, I have gone beyond the limits of real exhibitions. For example, the objects in a room that has just been passed change, or a secret room can be opened as an Easter Egg, full of quotes from video game culture. The Virtual Exhibition is meant to be an interdisciplinary project that acts as a link between photography, art and video games. It is intended to give gamers an insight into art and to introduce photographers and artists to video games as a medium.

Level of detail: The Virtual Exhibition is limited to more powerful systems because it comes in the form of a video game, but this makes it far superior to various other applications that can be accessed via a browser, for example. Visitors are tied to a PC, but the immersion is much greater and there are no limits to the possibilities. It is also possible to play with proportions, so that framed original-size Polaroids can be shown parallel to big posters. In the future, viewing with a VR-Device will complete the immersion.
The Virtual Exhibition project was selected for an award in 2020 by Dortmund Kreativ, the department for the cultural and creative industries in Dortmund, under the Digitale Perspektiven initiative.