Cemetery Kamen-Mitte
The cemetery Kamen-Mitte has been a destination for my photographic excursions many times since I have been taking walks in my local area almost every day. In the beginning I saw this just as a good exercise, but in the process, I realized that I don’t have to travel far to collect lasting impressions, or to convey them into good photographs.
In the summer of 2022, I decided to make an independent project out of my investigations of the cemetery. For this, I visit the park very often and sometimes daily. I study the influences of light, weather and the changes that the seasons bring with them, using this place as an example. Because of the thick cover of trees, I am not always able to calculate the influence of the sun’s position from maps alone, since I am not able to judge exactly when the sun will pass through the trees and how this will shape potential motifs. In sum, these careful observations have trained my awareness of nature and light immensely. Along the way, I discovered a new kind of photography for myself, which highly rewards patience and diligence.
I am with my thoughts not primarily at transience, death or religion / spirituality when I walk in a cemetery. The attributes of photography make these aspects already present for me without exception and this quite regardless of the chosen motif. Rather, my interest lies in this beautifully designed space. I appreciate the old trees and enjoy the opportunity to observe wildlife. The cemetery is truly a quiet place. I would like to invite viewers to experience their own spirituality through my portrayal of this space.
I don’t know yet which possible layers I will add to this project, as I am not tired of my investigations yet.
So far, I have taken about 300 pictures for this project, of which I would like to present 25 here as a small teaser.